

My Introduction

I have been toying with the idea of blogging for quite some time. There is alot on my mind that I would like to share and it seems that I have trouble finding people with time to listen so blogging seemed like a good outlet where people can listen if they choose to and I can still share my thoughts. It took me some time to convince myself that I could do this and perhaps even find people who would share their thoughts back at me, but I was stumped for a title. Every good blog should have a good title, right? This morning I believe God gave me the title and I like it! Let me tell you why. I am not extraordinary in looks or lifestyle, I live a very ordinary life, I get up and go to work, meet the needs of other people; I live with, fight with, sleep with, make love with, eat with, spend time with my husband of 25 yrs; I spend way too much time and energy on my children and grandchildren and at the same time don't spend enough time with them; I go to church on Sunday, I socialize and worship and learn; I love my God and Savior with all my heart, mind, strength and soul; it seems to me a very ordinary life. And yet God tells me that I am an extra-ordinary woman; God is as real to me as the people I see everyday, we have conversations, He shares His thoughts with me, He gives me His way to see people, not as the selfish, hardened annoying creatures that they can be but as His objects of love, created by Him, broken, damaged, afraid, lost children. He gives me His feelings of love for them; He makes me bold, joyful, loving, wise, discerning, He makes me extraordinary. An extraordinary woman with an ordinary life!

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