This bizarre disturbing dream happened yesterday. Since I still remember it pretty vividly I will post it as well. "My entire family is somewhere I guess on vacation. There is a volcano on the edge of the city. We can see it from where we are. It begins to spit something that looks like snow into the air, next comes black something, ash or little rocks, I don't know. Everyone begins to run. A huge building next to us, it looks like the leaning tower of Pisa (sp) tumbles over and creates a tidal wave. The wave begins to push us rapidly down a river or a canal of some kind. It feels like we are in a vehicle of some kind and I'm looking out the windshield trying to avoid getting the glass broken. It is total chaos around me. Somehow I find myself standing on the side or bank of this water rushing by me. I turn around to see where I came from and I see my daughter and son in law standing in the water, they have rescued their three children. I then see three of my other grandchildren bob up in the water, they are safe. We have lost one of them, I am inconsolable, grieving hysterically it seems like for a period of time. Then we see a poster with his picture as found, he had washed up somewhere and was rescued. We are preparing to go get him when I wake up."
My husband says that he is amazed by the detail in which I dream and how much I remember. I have been asking God about this one too. I am open to any ideas.
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