

Baby with a Fever or A Brush with a Healing

My 17mo old grandson get seizures when he gets a fever; the Drs don't seem very concerned about it but it is very alarming when it happens. I experienced them for the first time today. His little body begins to jerk and his face goes slack, his eyes stare off into nothingness. The first one occurred around 1:30pm when his fever spiked to 104, it did not last very long, we gave him another dose of tylenol which he has been taking all day due to the fever not leaving. We got the temp down to about 102 and he seemed to be doing better. The second one occurred around 3:30 and was a little worse, he started to cry like he knew it was coming and then the jerking began, his eyes rolled and be began to drool. I began to pray over him, stumbling with my words not quite knowing how to phrase my prayer in order to be effective. I began to repeat 'Be still in Jesus name' and he became still. God and I have tussled over healings before, I believe that He heals, He just doesn't seem to do it when I ask! So there is that ever present voice that says it was just coincidence, but I truly do not believe in those so I am going with the voice that says that my precious Father, my honorable King heard and answered the prayer of a mildly frantic grandma and stopped the seizure in its tracks! We did end up taking him to the ER because we couldn't get the fever to get below 102 even after 20 min in a luke warm bath! Once again the drs assured my daughter that there is no ear infections, maybe a virus and the seizures are really nothing to be concerned about. His temperature lowered to 99 and they sent them home. Not so much encouragment there but I am very encouraged again that God hears me and loves me and will answer when I call.

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